Crystals & Materials
Their meaning and properties
Discover the fascinating world of crystals, precious metals and pearls. Here you can learn more about their origins, spiritual meaning, possible uses and how to cleanse them energetically

Rose Quartz – The Stone of Love
Origin: Brazil, Madagascar, USA
Meaning of the name: “Quartz” from Old High German, “Rosen-” because of the pink color
Spiritual effect: Rose quartz is the stone of love - especially self-love. It opens the heart chakra, promotes compassion, harmony and emotional healing.
Application: Wear it as jewelry, place it under your pillow or in your living room for a loving atmosphere.
Cleaning: Rinse under running water, charge in moonlight.

Amethyst – The Stone of Clarity
Origin: Brazil, Uruguay, Russia
Meaning of the name: From the Greek “amethystos” = “counteracting intoxication”
Spiritual effect: Promotes mental clarity, intuition and spiritual growth. Protects against negative energies.
Application: Ideal as a meditation stone, under the pillow for better sleep or as jewelry.
Cleaning: Clean with water, charge in sunlight or moonlight

Rock Crystal – The Master Healer
Origin: Worldwide (Switzerland, Brazil, USA)
Meaning of the name: From the Greek “krystallos” = “ice”
Spiritual effect: Strengthens the energy of other stones, clears the mind, brings harmony.
Application: As an energy source in rooms, for meditation or in drinking water (suitable for water!).
Cleaning: Clean under running water, sunlight or moonlight.

Lapis Lazuli – The Stone of Wisdom
Origin: Afghanistan, Chile, Russia
Meaning of the name: Latin "lapis" = "stone", Arabic "azul" = "blue"
Spiritual effect: Promotes intuition, truth and self-expression. Helps to recognize one's own inner truth.
Application: Wear as a pendant, meditation, place on the forehead chakra.
Cleaning: Clean with water, do not expose to the sun for too long.

Labradorite – The Stone of Magic
Origin: Canada, Madagascar, Finland
Spiritual effect: Promotes intuition, creativity and spiritual awareness. Protects against negative energies.
Application: Wear as a protective stone, use in meditations to promote intuition.
Cleaning: Clean with water, charge in moonlight.

Tiger Eye – The Stone of Inner Strength
Origin: South Africa, Australia, USA
Name meaning: Reminiscent of the eye of a tiger
Spiritual effect: Protects against negative energies, strengthens self-confidence and focus.
Application: Wear as a protective stone, carry with you while studying or working.
Cleaning: Clean under running water, charge in the sun.

Obsidian – The Stone of Truth
Origin: Volcanic areas worldwide
Meaning of the name: Named after the Roman Obsius, who discovered it
Spiritual effect: Promotes truth, helps to process fears and traumas.
Application: Meditation, as a protective stone in rooms or wear as a pendant.
Cleansing: Clean with water, charge in the earth.

Tourmaline – The Protective Stone
Origin: Brazil, Sri Lanka, Africa
Spiritual effect: Protects against negative energies, promotes self-confidence and grounding. Black tourmaline in particular is used as a protective stone against electrosmog and negative vibrations.
Application: Place in rooms, wear as jewelry or use during meditation.
Cleaning: Clean with water, charge regularly with smoke or moonlight.

Agate – The Stone of Stability
Origin: Brazil, Uruguay, India
Spiritual effect: Promotes inner stability, protection and grounding. Helps with emotional balance.
Application: Carry in your pocket, place in rooms as a protective stone.
Cleansing: Cleanse with water, occasionally cleanse energetically with smoke.

Selenite – The Stone of Light
Origin: Mexico, Morocco, Greece
Spiritual effect: Promotes clarity, purity and a connection to higher levels of consciousness.
Application: Use in meditations to energetically cleanse rooms.
Cleaning: Do not clean with water! Charge with moonlight or other crystals.

Heliotrope – The Bloodstone
Origin: India, Brazil, Australia
Spiritual effect: Protects against negative influences, strengthens the immune system and brings courage.
Application: Wear as a protective stone, use in stressful times.
Cleaning: Clean with water, recharge regularly with soil.

Peridot – The Stone of Joy
Origin: USA, Pakistan, Myanmar
Spiritual effect: Brings optimism, strengthens the heart chakra and helps with emotional balance.
Application: Wear as jewelry, use in meditations to open the heart.
Cleaning: Clean with water, charge in sunlight.

Citrine – The Stone of Success
Origin: Brazil, Madagascar, Russia
Spiritual effect: Brings abundance, success and positive energy. Strengthens the solar plexus chakra.
Application: Wear as jewelry, place in purse or work space.
Cleaning: Clean with water, charge in sunlight.

Celestite – The Sky Stone
Origin: Madagascar, Mexico, USA
Spiritual effect: Promotes inner peace, spiritual connection and clarity. Helps with meditation.
Application: Use in rooms to calm down, as a meditation stone.
Cleaning: Clean with gentle water, do not expose to the sun for too long.

Fluorite – The Stone of the Spirit
Origin: China, Mexico, USA
Spiritual effect: Promotes mental clarity, learning ability and concentration.
Application: Carry with you while studying or working, use in meditation practices.
Cleaning: Clean with water, charge in moonlight or sunlight.

Amazonite – The Stone of Harmony
Origin: Brazil, Russia, USA
Spiritual effect: Promotes inner peace, balance and communication.
Application: Carry with you during stressful times, use in meditation.
Cleaning: Clean under running water, charge in moonlight.

Gold – The Metal of the Sun
Origin: Worldwide (South Africa, Russia, Australia)
Spiritual effect: Stands for abundance, success, prosperity and strengthens the solar plexus chakra.
Application: In jewelry, as an energetic amplifier for crystals.
Cleaning: Polish with a soft cloth, charge in sunlight.

Silver – The Metal of the Moon
Origin: Mexico, Peru, China
Spiritual effect: Strengthens intuitive abilities, protects against negative energies.
Application: Wear as jewelry, use in rituals for lunar energy.
Cleaning: Clean with a special silver cleaning cloth and charge in moonlight.

Brass – The Connection between Sun and Earth
Origin: Alloy of copper and zinc, widespread worldwide
Spiritual effect: Promotes self-confidence, resilience and inner balance. Brass is often associated with protection and energetic cleansing.
Application: Use in jewelry or ritual objects for grounding and energetic protection.
Cleaning: Polish with a soft cloth, if necessary, gently clean with a vinegar-water mixture.

Pearl - The Tear of the Sea
Origin: Oysters in salt water, freshwater pearls in rivers
Spiritual effect: Stands for purity, femininity, emotional balance.
Application: Wear as jewelry, especially to strengthen emotional balance.
Cleaning: Clean with a soft cloth, do not use water or chemicals.